Sunday 12 February 2012

Choices in life...

Making a choice is always the hardest part of life, especially when it is about choosing your future life.
Today, i heard a story of my friend that really touches my heart. He is very brave in choosing a totally different path of his life due to some personal reasons. Well, he said he never regret even though sometimes, he will feel inferior when he met some particular conditions that he originally should belong to, if he does not make 'that' choice few years ago...

Well, is true there is no such word 'regret' in life. Two paths, if you choose one of it, u will never know what will you be if you choose another one. Will you be better than now? or even worse? who knows? 

The only thing that make us afraid of making decision/choices is probably because we are afraid of the UNKNOWN of either path, and, we are greed of the UNKNOWN BENEFITS of either path also...We always scare that we will loss something if we choose either path.......
But, since both path also unknown, so what to afraid for
You want to gain something, for sure you will loss some other things. This is same for choosing either path.
Some people said, there will always be a special reason for your choice. God will reserve some special thing for you no matter what is your choice ❤







Friday 10 February 2012

❤ 情人节?❤

情人节~ 每天电视节目,网上,大街上都有着情人节的广告 T.T ...... 看了有时还真的好心酸哦……毕竟自己没有机会过……曾经有过情人却从来都没过过情人节,听起来有点可怜可悲 =(

跟一些女生朋友聊过,知道很多男生都不是很注重一些对女生‘重要’ 的节日,比如情人节,生日,圣诞节,纪念周年等……很多男生都不会特地去庆祝……而可怜的女生呢,就在那儿默默地期待她们心爱的男朋友会给他们惊喜,哪怕是小小的惊喜都足够了~

可是男生了,却永远不知道……男生总是说:‘要什么就说,不要暗示不要静静不说…你不说,我怎么会懂呢??’ 其实,男生真的不懂吗?我想,只要你们有细心去了解女人想要什么,都会懂吧……要女生说出来不是不行,只是,自己说出来了,不就不是惊喜,不浪漫了吗?那女生倒不如自己去过那个节日~
女生是很喜欢惊喜的 =) 而且,不是由自己要求,而是男生自己给的惊喜,会让女生们觉得很幸福很被男朋友关心的感觉~

其他女生是怎么想我不清楚…对我而言,其实所谓的惊喜,不需要贵重、隆重……只要‘你’肯为我抽出时间,简简单单的能和‘你’在一起,吃顿饭~ 就足够了……因为,希望你能记得那些日子,跟我一起庆祝,也只是希望那时能够有你在身旁陪伴……

或许我只能说,女生是需要看到你的行动来证明你对她的爱吧~ 即使她知道你爱她,她也很容易失去安全感(或许女生喜欢胡思乱想吧,这,改变不了)她需要你继续地,偶尔地以行动来证明你对她的关怀与爱……


切记,女生真的真的是,口是心非的~ 不要因为她说‘不用紧,你忙你的…’, 你就真的不理会她了~ 不要一直问她想要什么,你应该做的是,直接给她心里的答案,不是问她口中的答案… 你女朋友要的东西,你一定懂得,只是在于,你想不想给,肯不肯抽出时间给而已……


Thursday 9 February 2012

Promises? Security? Love?

A guy friend of mine, has been working and studying in foreign country for many years..almost 6 years after he broke with his girl friend, he came back to her again...The reasons they broke that time, all those promises, now, he comes back and brings them back to her. Those success is what he has worked out these years, with only one reason, to show her his love and to prove to her that now, he can give the security that he can't give 6 years ago. However, she rejected him without second word. He felt that what he did all these years are in vain. He felt lost and does not know how to continue his life now here as he purposely came back for her... you really know what exactly she wants? I am sure that, after 6 years, the reason she rejected you again will not be the same reason. Yes, last time she needs more security, needs a granted future from you. But now, after 6 years, although she still need 'those stuff', but you are not longer the person that she hopes to get 'it' from.
From my opinion as a girl, a girl needs cares and loves. After so many years, u never contacted her but you work hard for her alone outside there. She does not even know about your care! Seeing you happy and seems like you are enjoying life outside you think that she will still waiting for you? I'm sure that she already changed her mind and started to fall for another person that cares & loves her.
If you wanna work hard for her, fine it is good but please do not forget to 'let her know' and remember keep 'reminding' her about your existence! If you don't, you will finally being eliminated from her life. Do not ever come back to her and expecting her to accept you as before. This will never happen unless.....unless she still waiting for you there (This is very rare as waiting for a guy alone is indeed suffering, like waiting for uncertainties in life...never take risk !!! If you love her, speak it out! If you care her, show your care!!!)

Love is like a need to put effort in all the time after you started it. And it involves both sides, do not do it alone. 爱是需要双方一起经营的,不要一个人自己在一旁努力~ 对方是看不到,感觉不到的……适当时就得让对方知道~

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Bukit Genting Hill, Pulau Pinang

Going to Peneng =) my beloved place in Malaysia !!!
On the way to North~ saw some cute clouds that lined like sleeps =)
Bukit Genting Hill is a place located in Peneng Island, a place that you can have a panoramic view of Peneng Island. Even many of Peneng people that stay there never went there before. Of course im ''Peneng Lang'' too =P

Here are some landscapes in Bukit Genting Hill for sharing ~ 


Guess what? this is not the real one....


View of Peneng from the hill ~
  Besides beautiful scenery, here also famous with its siam foods =) Below are seafood tomyam, seafood sizzling, special recipe fried kangkung and ......Another special dish is fried durian flower that i tried last two years. That one is nice and you can try next time.. (but better during durian season as i dunno whether they got the flowers other time XD)
Leaving Peneng...
Peneng Island view ~~~
This time was a bit rush so din't manage to visit other places. Looking forwards for next visit and hopefully next time can visit more places =)